Emulation as 'Sadhana': A Paradigm of Intellectual Development
Sadhana is a Sanskrit word that means a quest to accomplish. Emulation is like sadhana. The goal has to be carefully chosen, and the 'sadhaka' (the one who is set on the path of sadhana) cannot, and will not, rest until the process of emulation is complete. Fortunately, in the classical systems of education, the concept of emulation as sadhana is ingrained. Most accomplished musicians gain their musical strengths through individualized apprenticeship under reputed musical legends. The concept of house surgeon in medical education is aimed at letting young doctors learn the skill of medical practice from the experienced physician or surgeon. Even in a corporate setting, the practice of youngsters working as executive assistants with leaders is a way of apprenticing the youngsters in the art and science of management and leadership.
And, for those who still appreciate the need for emulation, it is important to realize that sadhana or emulation is a great anti-gravity effort. Nonemulative talent, like water, flows as per gravity to opportunities available. Emulative talent, on the other hand, scales new peaks with each phase of sadhana, based on committed and diligent efforts. Literally and figuratively, enlightened emulation is akin to intrepid mountaineering. And the aim of emulation is not to create intellectual clones but to enhance the intellectual strength of the talent base in the country and the society. Typically, every society or every organization produces only a few natural leaders or maestros. The larger the population, whether of a society or an organization, that seeks to emulate the leaders and maestros, the greater would be the combined intellectual strength of that society or organization.
For more...http://cbrao2008.blogspot.in/2014/07/emulation-as-sadhana-paradigm-of.html
Competency-Ownership Grid: Towards Reinforced Accomplishment
Positive living requires sustained accomplishment. Accomplishment is rarely individualistic; it requires at least two parties, in many cases several. Accomplishment need not necessarily be only material; it could be philosophical or spiritual too. Most, if not all, of material accomplishments are bilateral or multilateral. From a conceptual viewpoint, even multilateral accomplishments can be reduced to bilateral ones; for example, an interactive accomplishment between agencies of government and several firms can be seen as a broad government–industry interaction or accomplishment. Even an apparently individualistic accomplishment of attaining spiritual nirvana is an interactive accomplishment between the mind and soul of an individual. The key question is how any interaction between entities can be translated into mutual accomplishment.
Typically, activities precede achievement even as thoughts or intents precede activities. When firms and governments desire to promote industrial growth, several actions such as formulation of industrial policies, establishment of industries, and commencement of commercial operations must take place. When someone desires to achieve nirvana, he or she must have a meditative conversation with his or her soul to achieve a state of tranquil mindfulness. All these myriad forms of activities with others and self can be seen as forms of engagement. How well these activities are accomplished is not a function of intent; rather it is a function of how genuine and effective the engagement is. The robustness of engagement depends on two principal factors: competency in engagement and ownership in engagement. Together, these form a competency-ownership interlock.
For more...http://cbrao2008.blogspot.in/2014/06/competency-ownership-grid-towards.html
Awareness, Self-awareness, and Humility: The Three Components of Sustainable Success
Leaders are expected to lead. Leaders exert their presence with knowledge, expression, and execution through which they must be able to influence and align their followers. Aggression and extroversion, enjoying every bit of success openly, are also considered good additions to a successful leadership profile. These may well be the 'hard' qualities that define leadership. Leadership built only on these hard factors tends to be vulnerable to performance dips even if performance drivers are beyond the leader's control. Leaders need certain 'soft' qualities that help the leaders go beyond driving and influencing others. Soft qualities are those that endear leaders to their followers. They help the leaders connect with their followers and even nonfollowers sustainably.
The role of humility in influencing leadership development is not well understood. Humility is the quality of being humble. Humility is the quality of thinking that one is not better than others (although one's achievements or others' opinions may imply superiority). One's humility is never expressed by oneself but is invariably felt and experienced by others. Humility can never be a sign of weakness or passivity; rather it stems out of one's conviction and courage, in a sense. Individuals who are humble to face constructive challenges are often able to discover their own innate abilities or learn new capabilities that help manage them. The earlier discussed aspect of self-awareness is the foundation for developing authenticity which is capped by humility. Mahatma Gandhi is an unparalleled example of leadership driven by humility.
For more...http://cbrao2008.blogspot.in/2014/05/awareness-self-awareness-and-humility.html